Driveway Gallery
Here are some examples of driveway installations we have completed for customers in Suffolk County, along with bordering styles that Paving and Masonry By Design LI can install at your home, from asphalt, overlays and blacktop driveways to laying concrete paving and interlock pavers. If you want to know more, you can view our asphalt paving services for Suffolk County or our concrete paving in Suffolk County. Alternatively, call (631) 660 4427 to speak directly with one of our team members.

David SternbergNew Driveway and Walkway28 March 2025
The whole process with Paving and Masonry by Design was seamless! Got a free estimate then they were working on fitting a new walkway and driveway within a week. Work...

James KaplanNew Patio21 March 2025
Excellent service had the guys install a new patio and the results are amazing, i highly recommend them for anyone searching for a new patio

Chase MokomboBlacktop2 March 2025
Paving and Masonry by Design laid a new blacktop on our driveway, they were great and the team was amazing, highly recommended as driveway contractors
Would you like a free estimate in Suffolk County? Simply enter your contact details in our contact form and we'll contact you back or call (631) 660 4427